Sunday, April 23, 2006

Discount Laptops - Looking For The Features That Count

A little over a decade ago, hardly anyone owned a computer. Now, not only are desktop computers standard in any American household, but laptop computers are a relatively new, enduring trend because they are lightweight and portable. Many college students and businesspeople cannot imagine life without a computer notebook! So if you are ready for your laptop computer, here is small tutorial on how to find the discount laptops available.

The first step is to think about what you need from your laptop. This will by no means be the same for everyone. For example, one person may be more concerned with a laptop's wireless connectivity while another might be more concerned with battery life. So, essentially, a laptop user and a laptop must be compatible.

However, there are many factors that determine the performance of a computer and the more of them that you can learn about, the better equipped you will be to shop around. Thus, the second step is to learn what all the technobabble means.

The discount laptops will not only have lots of memory, but they will have many other things going for them as well. A processor determines the speed of the computer, and you should choose a laptop that has more than 1.4 GHz. A laptop's system memory, which establishes how well the computer runs and the number of different user tasks it can handle at once, should be at least 128 MB. But some laptop computer shoppers may want an even higher memory, since memory upgrades on laptop computers are not as easy as those for desktop computers.

Screen size is also important - you will be able to view more information, at a higher resolution, the larger the screen is. But as long as the computer screen is at least 12.1 inches diagonally, you should be okay. Batteries in newer discount laptops are almost always long lasting (3 to 7 hours), but if you can, buy a laptop computer with a lithium ion rechargeable battery.

The hard drive, which basically stores all the data


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Cheap Laptops-Bargain or Bust?

As computer technology advances you may have noticed the number of cheap laptops available out there for you to consider for your wireless needs. Two ways to get cheap laptops at an inexpensive price is to purchase a used or a refurbished model. Cheap laptops can be a great bargain for certain individuals who need a laptop, but don’t want to pay the high prices that some of the more high-tech models sport. There are some things that you should consider when looking at cheap laptops that will keep you from buying something that will not serve you well.

Refurbished Laptop VS. Used Laptop

Refurbished means the computer has been used for 1 day to 3 months and then returned to the store for various reasons. The store or manufacturer cannot resell it as new, so they offer it as a refurbished model. If necessary it is repaired to factory specifications. This is a great way to find cheap laptops, because usually there is some type of warranty attached as well. A used computer, on the other hand, is offered “as is” and has not been repaired to any specifications unless the seller indicates that it has.


When looking at cheap laptops, first think and assess your laptop needs. Are a student who needs basic word processing? Then it may not be necessary for you look at cheap laptops that have a great deal of memory. You can find cheap laptops with a great deal of memory if that is what you are looking for, but you will have to pay more. Most laptops of any price will usually have at least 128 MB of memory to run the programs available today.


Older laptop computer models are oftentimes harder to upgrade than newer models. By researching, you will be able to find newer computers at a cheaper price. It is important for you to take the time to research through computer magazines, online, and ask professional opinions on the laptop you are interested to make sure there are compatible parts.


Laptops are generally about twice the cost of desktop models with the same features, you are paying for the convenience of being able to take your computer with you wherever you go. To find out if the price you are being offered for cheap laptops is fair, you can check online and see how much they are selling for on other sites and dealers. Remember that a brand-new laptop that is farther down the line in features may be not as good as some of the refurbished cheap laptops that are at the top of the line and at the same price.

By Margarette Tustle. Read more helpful information about laptops plus more laptop resources at

Dell offers two dual-core laptops for under $1000

Dual core is all the rave, and anyone who has gotten the chance to use a dual core system has probably fallen in love. Dual core laptops are an entirely different beast, and for the most part don't fall under the category of “cheap”. Dell is looking to attack the low-cost notebook market with dual core to change that, offering a $999 dual-core laptop. The Inspiron E1705 and the Latitude D620 are both now offered for under that, with the Latitude available for a mere $899 with the Core Duo T2300. The notebooks aren't “meager”, and while certainly won't be winning any performance contests, having portable dual-core available at this cost is quite nice. Likely, other vendors will follow suit, and since Intel originally committed to offering dual-core for a similar price as single-core, in just a few months we may see this quite often.


Used cheap laptops - Buyer Beware

If you were going to buy a used car, you would take a look at the engine, check to see how many miles it had been driven, look for any dents and probably you would ask the owner why they were selling it, what problems it has had in the past, and how it has been renovated over the years. Just like you would do a background check on a used car, if you are thinking of buying a used laptop, you need to know what it has been through.

You can save a lot of money by purchasing a used laptop, but a computer's history is a lot more elusive than a car's. A refurbished laptop computer is one that was sold to a customer but sent back to the manufacturer because of problems, and finally fixed in a factory to be sent back to a store to be resold. Used cheap laptops are different than this and they are rarely accompanied with a warranty.

Used cheap laptops are a risky investment - maybe someone simply ditched their laptop because they no longer had any need for it or wanted to upgrade to another brand out of curiosity or personal preference. In this case, their secondhand laptop will be a really cheap, worthy buy (assuming the particular laptop is what the consumer wants). Unfortunately, many used cheap laptops may simply be defective and no matter how inexpensive they are, there is no reason to buy them only to encounter problems later and be forced to replace it.

Communication with a store employee or the previous owner of the laptop is the only way to ensure that you buy a reliable, used computer. Ask questions about why it's being resold; if you feel you are not getting an honest answer or that you receive a hostile reaction, move onto your next option!

John Ducharne takes you by the hand when it comes to purchasing a discount laptop online. Get the ins and out of discount laptops and make an intelligent buying decision today.


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